Sleep we don't back!
Sunday, 26 April 2009
Sleep we don't back!
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Music :]*

Filipino female artist. You don't pronounce her name as K-Cat, just pronounced at "Cat" lol. Her first big hit was "My Destiny" then "I Got U" followed soon after. Now she's got a new kind of flavour of music which is different but I love it! :D


Don't upset the rhythm!!!

She's making it big!!! Her songs mean a lot and she brings in something different that other R&B artists haven't brought yet. I love her songs, I just need the money to buy it from HMV ><

I'm not even going to lie. His songs can make me cryyy my eyes out!!! Especially his song that goes "never felt this way about loving it feels so good" ahhh wow. He's so wow and I'm proud to say his wife is Filipino :D and he even made a tagalog version of his song "I'm Sorry" =] It's a shame I didn't get to buy tickets for his concert at the O2 >=[
I'll add to this when I'm bothered again :D
Until next time, Audrey*
Thursday, 16 April 2009

Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Make Up!
Until next time, Audrey*
For those couples holding it up with their anni's and what not, I adore yous! Wish you all the best and God bless your healthy relationships. I know you both swear at each other once in a while but that's what makes the relationship exciting! You gotta have some drama or action in it sometimes right?! =]
Until next time, Audrey*
"Perfect Man"
I dream of that man who will one day just turn around and say “I love you” to me in front of everyone.
The man who will look at me straight in the eyes, see me in my pyjamas, smell my morning breath and be able to say “you’re beautiful” and mean it.
Tells me what he thinks of me, body and looks wise because a girl likes to be complimented at least once in a while.
Someone who knows me inside and out, and loves me for who I am.
He will be totally honest with me and tell me everything and anything I need to know.
The one who will buy 5 day pass just for me, spend the whole night talking to me and watching the sunrise.
He will cheer and scream for me even when I’m just singing karaoke and go out of tune.
He will cook for me and try his best not to burn the food.
Spend hours trying to at least make me smile when I’m feeling down.
Not just give me his jacket to wear, but hug me close and tight to make me feel safe and secure to show he cares if I get sick or not.
Give me all the attention I need and not be too over protective.
Tell dumb jokes and somehow make me laugh with him too.
Talk about random topics and still be interesting to talk to.
Takes me shopping and wouldn’t mind me spending money on him either.
He has to be able to lower his pride down and realise where he’s wrong and say sorry and mean it.
He will be the man that dresses up to impress not only me, but my girls and show he’s worth being with me.
Someone who doesn’t take his time getting ready and is never late, but at least have the effort to look good.
Be all sticky and sweaty but still maintain his natural sweet scent without smelling sour.
Feel free to kiss me on my forehead in front of his friends and not feel embarrassed.
Tell me sweet things in my ear or out loud and not lie.
Someone who will not grab me by the arm and force me to do something I don’t want to.
Knows not to ever lay a hand any girl whoever it may be and be able to respect her for who she is.
Stands up for me no matter what and be able to face me and tell me the truth.
Someone who enjoys just spending time with you wherever you are and can never get bored being with you.
Be my umbrella through all my rains, be my sun through all my rainbows and be my stars through all my cold lonely nights.
This dream is a dream worth waiting for to become reality, because he will be the one man who doesn’t have to promise he will always be there for you but act on it than say the words.
Love Hurts!

Through the past couple of years, I've had my share of different types of love, lust, infatuation, whatever you wanna call it... The pain is so bad that I hardly cry anymore. I've been hit with so many blows that I've lost all my energy to shout when I'm angry. I'm not bothered to shout no more, instead I take a breather, allow it to sink in and move on from it no matter how long it would take. Shouting takes up so much energy there really isn't any point in it anymore when you know mistakes will just be made over and over again to hurt you. When I do cry, they're only silent tears, tears no one needs to hear, tears which are only kept to myself 'cause I'm still learning how to be stronger than I already am.
Until next time, Audrey*
Love, Like. Like, Love.
Love should never be replaced for like 'cause you never know when you can find something like it again. Like will come and go, it can grow and it can also die. Just 'cause you feel guilty for liking someone while you're in love with someone else doesn't necessarily mean you should leave the person you love. It's a great challenge you're put through to overcome, and to test how strong enough you are to hold on to your feelings and whether you're willing to fight for something worth fighting for.
Until next time, Audrey*
Yes I will get aggressive with my words but it is MY blog and I don't care if it hurts. It was your choice to read this in the first place anyway, right? :D Alright so i'm assuming your most likely answer is NO. But what if it "just happens" and no matter how much you try to stop it from happening, it just does. Okay so I personally haven't cheated 'cause it's against my morals etc. but I do have friends that have done it in the past or are still doing it now. Obviously I won't bait names but why did you do it in the first place if you know it's wrong and thought you'd never do it? I mean, karma does always come back around, so if you don't want it being done to you, why do it to others? I'm not going to judge you for c h e a t i n g in the first place but I am trying to see it from your perspective..
If you say you love the person a lot and you know cheating will hurt them the most, why do it? And why would you lie about it after you cheated on them and they cloked you?! What makes me laugh the most is how you use the same lines on them that you used on your original partner you're currently cheating on HAHA you're a serious joke!
So I understand you want to protect them from the truth that hurts but if you were honest and faithful with them in the first place then none of the shit you're in would be happening now. Has it ever occurred to all you cheaters out there that these people's salivas [and perhaps cum] are mixing all into your mouth - I mean don't you feel violated or disgusted with yourself of some sort?!? eeesh you have the cheek and guts to be doing that.
So after you've lied about cheating and where you been, who you were with etc. PLEASE tell me WHY you go running back to the person who leaves you and you say you "love"??? Actions speak louder than words so if you want that person to take you back, you have to prove that you really are worth taking back 'cause after they lose their trust in you, it'll be harder to bring it back. What pisses me off the most are hypocrites. Those who have cheated in the past still have the cheek to tell their friends to leave their current partner who have cheated on them 'cause apparently they're not "worth it". Well excuse you. Look who's talking after you cheated before, and you have the audacity to tell them their partners aren't worth it. What makes you think you're worth it then? If your friends have friends who you know that cheat, what makes you say things like "I don't even know why you have friends like that." when you're the one who's currently cheating or have cheated. HYPOCRITES.
Love isn't just a word, expression nor feeling, there's more to it but people tend to misuse it or take advantage of it's meaning to fool ones self. Love shouldn't be used as an excuse to forgive ones self for cheating. If you say it, make sure you mean it and no, there are no bending to these rules. Love is a serious matter which I will later discuss because there's more than just one aspect to it.
Until next time, Audrey*
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
You're all probably wondering why I started blogging.. I guess this is the only place where I can actually express life itself and my personal feelings. I wanted to write a book but I'm a bit too lazy to do that and I doubt people would be interested enough to buy my autobiography so hey! I thought I'd just post these up to show what I have learnt in life and what issues bug me the most, and last but not least, how aspects in life can sound SO simple yet be so complex!
Why name it "SourStrawberries" you may ask. Well let's just say, life isn't as sweet as we always want it to be, there are many sour experiences we go through... Strawberries? Like I said, we want life to be sweet, like Strawberries which I LOVE! but it doesn't always go the way we plan it. Not forgetting my girls who know me as "AudaberryStrawberry" - thanks guys for the inspiration = ].
Not everyone would be interested in reading my blogs so if you're not, do yourself a favour and just exit this window since you feel it won't be worth your time. For those who are in favour of this, I hope you enjoy being a follower and reading.
Until next time, Audrey*